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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe

Repeater Clip is an uncommon Shotgun mod that increases Fire Rate while aiming for a brief time upon reloading.


Rank Fire Rate Duration
0 +17.5% 1.5 4
1 +35% 3 5
2 +52.5% 4.5 6
3 +70% 6 7
4 +87.5% 7.5 8
5 +105% 9 9


  • If activated, Repeater Clip will display an icon timer beside the player's health UI, and the Warframe will be briefly surrounded by a flashing energy ribbon.
  • The Fire Rate bonus is granted upon the beginning of the reload animation.
  • Repeater Clip's duration is not only affected by rank, but also by the amount of Fusion energy in each rank.
  • If used with Strun or its Wraith counterpart, every shell reloaded refreshes the buff, ensuring you get the full duration regardless of how long you reload for.


  • If Repeater Clip is installed on the currently equipped shotgun, reloading a pistol during a mission will display the flash effect associated with the mod's activation, though the pistol will not gain the fire rate bonus.

See also

  • Shotgun Spazz, a Shotgun mod that also increases Fire rate.
  • Accelerated Blast, a Nightmare Shotgun mod that increases Fire rate and Puncture Damage.
  • Frail Momentum, a Corrupted Shotgun mod that increases Fire rate, at the cost of damage.
  • Spring-Loaded Chamber, the Rifle counterpart.
  • Pressurized Magazine, the Pistol counterpart.

